April 10, 2019
Wild animals spotted in MLC Canberra?!
MLC Canberra took on an ambitious project. A grand project of creating made-to-life animals between teachers and students. The exhibition is placed prominently in one of MLC Canberra’s bay where parents can take a look on the deftness of handicraft done by our children and teachers.
This art project objective is to help children hands-on experience of animals and how to breathe in new leash of life from recycled materials. Students were also taught how did the animals lived, ate and interact to help them craft a mental image of how this art will materialise.
We gave our students a week advance notice to bring objects from home and using these materials, we were able to craft wonderful majestic animals (such as Giraffe, Pandas, Crocodiles and Zebras). Our students even made features such as Snake Plants, Bamboo and Water Features. The thematic exhibition imparted a sense of joy to students involved – it is to elucidate to them that there is so much joy in creating new things from used materials!
We like to thank Principal Rozeta, fellow teachers and aunties for MLC Canberra and as well as our talented student artists!
Proud Zebra by PG Love and Toddler Faith
Double Pandas by Nursery Peace
Elegant Giraffe by K1 Justice
Lurking Crocodile by K2 Wisdom